2016 is gonna be the year of bright, bold hair

enhanced-11029-1452566715-1While we’re only just on the edge of March, it seems clear to me thanks to my google alerts crystal ball that 2016 is set to be the year of really bold hair, and stylists and amateurs alike all over the country are really going for it when it comes to trying out new things and upping their collective hair game. On the one hand this is possibly going to be the best thing that ever happens to my generally hot pink or deep purple barnet, but on the other, the fact that my skills go precisely as far as a solo block colour or at a push, an under colour and no further, is giving me the heebie jeebies that I’m about to get left behind.

Anyway, without further ado, check out some pics and information on a few of my up and coming favourites in bold, bright hair for Goths and others of an alt persuasion.

Plexiglass colour


Buzzfeed put me on to this one, which basically involves a stylist painting on a piece of plexiglass with various different coloured hair dyes, and then pressing the hair against it to take up the colour. I see no reason why the average self-colouring Goth couldn’t manage this at home, but y’know, feel free to go first and lemme know.

Half and half


When I was about 19, I saw a girl in Burger King whose hair was black on one side and white-blonde on the other, and had to physically restrain myself from running over and humping her leg. The half and half look is one of the most timeless of bold looks that works in any number of colour combinations, but I have yet to try it as I am never quite sure what I would do about my makeup afterwards.

However, the classic black and white would be a great pick that would fit really well with any Goth look.

Hidden colour bursts


If you want your hair to be all rainbow and cool but either your mum or your boss is flat not having it, there are masses of different ways of colouring part of your hair so that you can show it off when you wish to, and completely conceal it when you don’t.

The epic turquoise undercut in the above image comes courtesy of Girl In The Yellow on Tumblr.

One of my favourites is actually simple enough that I think a fairly competent friend could manage for you at home-an under colour in rainbow stripes, such as this:




Bold hair doesn’t have to be bright of course, or even better, it can be both bright AND bold-some of the coolest up and coming styles for the next year appear to involve asymmetrical sides, sharp edges and dramatic angles. All of these will for sure need a hair professional to achieve, and I suspect, will be very high maintenance too.


What are you doing with your hair this year? Tell me in the comments.

Lady Gothique
The gal who runs

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