If October is not your very favourite month of the year, then clearly you’re doing the Goth thing all wrong, my friends.
Being as we are now well into the month of Halloween (why make it just a day, AMIRIGHT people???) you’re going to be hearing a lot from me about fun and funky things to do over the next month, in preparation for the day when the dead can walk the earth unchallenged, and so, of course, can the Goths.
It’s not too early to start planning your costume for the night itself (or just getting excited about the chance to go out as yourself without anyone giving you a second glance) but in order to warm you up slowly, this week I’m going to hook you up with some of my favourite links for Halloween and horror-themed stories, tales and vids.
50 word stories
This is one of my favourite genres of add-your-own fiction: Create a story on a given theme in just 50 words or less. No fluff, no filler, just a set up and the ultimate twist in the tale. If you think writing a story shorter than your average shopping list is sure to be easy, I challenge you to give it a go, and send me your best attempts!
To get you going, here are a couple of my favourite links to 50-word Halloween and horror-themed shorts:
The Halloween Web
Ramping things up a little bit, The Halloween Web is dedicated to bringing you the best of All Hallow’s Eve, all year round. There are buttloads of self-submitted stories, urban legends and fictional tales, some of which are undoubtedly a bit hit and miss, but there are some gems in there too!
Halloweenshere is another deliciously poisoned little apple, which runs an annual countdown to Halloween, much like many of the fluffies like to do for Christmas. Check out their stories section for a range of mid-length tales of woe to shiver your timbers while you’re curled up in front of the fire of an evening.
Creepy Pasta
If Creepy Pasta is forever linked in your mind to America’s Slenderman-inspired attempted murder, reset your expectations and head on over to YouTube to find some of the genre’s best animated shorts and horror tales to delight and disgust.
This is one of my personal favourites:
American Horror Story is back!
Finally, American Horror Story, which I have raved about before, is now back with its fourth series: American Horror Story: Freak Show.
This season is lauded to be the darkest, creepiest series to date, so if you’re more about the visuals than the reading, look out for the first episode of the season on Fox UK on the 21st October.
Happy horror-ing!