Goth-friendly web comics

comic_5I know that a fair proportion of Goths are into the comics (like, comic books, not comedians) but until I started chatting to an enthusiastic mate about them, I didn’t realise quite how many offerings were out there! There are, in fact, a buttload of web comics with a Goth theme or that are highly likely to appeal to the Goth sense of humour, and I neatly lost an afternoon in the blink of an eye browsing around some of the better ones.

I’ve narrowed my browsing down to a few favourites, which I will share with you below, as well as offering some links to other lists of Gothy comics and web pages. Knock yourself out!

Serenity Rose


Serenity Rose at Heart Shaped Skull is a Goth-themed comic that has been running for over ten years now, and you can buy a hardback copy of the best strips from the link above. There is also lots more on offer on the site itself, including fan art, commissions, and prints available to buy. You can also check out the artist’s Facebook page.

Write and Shine
2015-01-23-Writhe and Shine - Book 2 - Page 10

Write and Shine publishes a new strip online every Monday, and also holds a large archive of prior strips. Plus, you can buy merch in the online store too!

The Devil’s Panties

The Devil’s Panties by Jennie Breeden has a large archive of one-page and one-strip comics and comic artwork, with a Gothy theme that will soon catch your attention! Regular updates make this a site well worth bookmarking, or you can find out about the latest additions on Facebook.

Something Positive


Something Positive is an ongoing strip loosely based on the story of a group of friends, based in America and containing a hefty dose of irony, humour and other dark delights. The site also hosts the occasional guest strip and other offerings that the artist thinks might be of interest to the fan base. Also on Twitter.

Link me up

If you’re looking for a collated page of different comics with a Goth theme or tailored towards Goth tastes, there are plenty of options, and voila, that is how you promptly lose a whole afternoon of productivity. First of all check out Gothic Comics, which lists their selections in handy clickable thumbnails in order of completed to works still in progress.

Colour Me Goth also has a list of some of her faves on her links page. The blog itself is well worth a read too, particularly for Goths of Colour.

Finally, Terrorizer published a post of their top ten favourite Goth comics too, with a little more info on each one all included.

Have I missed something good? Let me know.

Lady Gothique
The gal who runs

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