Right minions, I shared with you last month the tale of my drunken initiation into knitting, thanks to my long-suffering and very patient crafty friend. Well now I am back once again to let you all know that I am apparently a totally badass knitter, and you should all bow down in awe at my superior skills with the pointy sticks.
So anyhoo, as promised, LSM (long suffering mate) hooked me up with some stringy stuff and pointy sticks at the weekend, and I got my knit on like a good’un. After inexplicably managing to turn 14 stitches into 17 within my first few rows, I got into a groove, and within the course of the day, managed to make myself a kind of Mobius strip collar/cowl thing, which I am epically proud of and am modelling like a boss here.
I am now trying to make another one of the same in purple, and after that, I am setting my sights pretty high, with a Freddy Krueger jumper at the top of my list.
The only downside to this industriousness was that I woke up at 5am with my hand in a claw, aching like a good’un. Knitting-related muscle injuries are apparently a thing.
While looking for inspiration on what to do next and in an attempt to find out more about the newly discovered knitting Goth community, which is much larger than I initially thought, I have discovered a few more blogs for your delectation too.
First up, Knitted Goth hasn’t updated her blog since 2012, but the old posts are still well worth a look, including beaucoup examples of her own work, as well as sources of inspiration and examples of knitty things she has found and approves of.
Domiknitrix is another seemingly abandoned blog (last entry 2011) but again, lots to see and read there too, including a whole page of instructional YouTube videos on various knitting related topics.
Finally, The Spinning Goth is a crafter who hand-spins her own wool out of actual sheep, and covers knitting, spinning and other related crafts in detail.
Music to knit to
MUSIC. Everyone needs music for everything, and knitting is no different. Picking the right tunes for the gym (let’s just pretend I go to the gym for a second…) can help you to get into a rhythm, work harder and pass the time, and the same is true for your knits.
Moloko’s Things to Make and Do seemed like the obvious choice for knitting, and as this is one of my faves anyway, I dug it out of my CD collection (yep, that old) and gave it a whirl. Even if you’re not into the knits (in which case, congrats on reading until the end!) this album from back in the year 2000 should definitely be on your playlist, with Absent Minded Friends and Being is Bewildering being two of my faves.