Lady Gothique’s monthly blog roundup: June 2016

Bannerblogj_zpsxo2qjd3uIt’s summer! I’ve got my legs out and everything. The catnip patch that I planted last month is threatening to take over the whole of the bank beside my mooring, and my cats have started to become less productive and spend a lot of time sitting around eating snacks and saying “dude” to each other.

Batman Salem Slinkycat is all about loafing outside in inconvenient places, such as on the table I’m trying to put my laptop on to work from, and the middle of the floor when trying to cool off (the floor of the boat is the coolest part, due to the water beneath it.)


I’m also starting to get a little broody, and am seriously wondering if it might be time to adopt a third kitty to join the pack. For the longest time, my Cat Quota was stable at four, for some six or so years.

I then lost one cat a year for the last three years (natural causes x2, horrific accident x1) taking me down to one, then I adopted Bat, and now that he has had around eight months to settle in and gets on well with Boss Cat, my thoughts are turning once more to meowing black furballs in shelters.

Not sure if I’m actually going to go through with it, but we’ll see.

Anyway, here’s a quick roundup of what’s been going on in the lives of some of my favourite other Goth bloggers in the last month or so.

 Domesticated Goth’s Photo project

The Domesticated Goth has embarked on a project this year to photograph the diversity of the wider Goth community, and recently travelled to Lock Eilein to do just that.

Find out more about what happens when metal meets Goth and gets photographed on her blog.

The Blogging Goth looks back at forty years of punk

The Blogging Goth just pointed out that punk is now forty years old, something that has made me feel ridiculously old and proud in equal measures. Find out more about the timeline of punk and some of its both notable moments, with some links to further reading.

Gothy Two Shoe’s Sunday Look

I check out Gothy Two Shoes blog at least a couple of times a week because I love to check out what other Goths are wearing, and yet not many Goth bloggers regularly share their look and what constitutes it.

She’s also been doing some cross stich-not your Grandma’s kind.

IMG_20160528_210116 It’s all going wrong for She Might Be a Faerie

Shit is getting weird for Amy Asphodel in internet-land… Well, read for yourself.

See you next month!

Lady Gothique
The gal who runs

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