The post-Halloween blues!

So the party is over, the pumpkins are rotting away in a rather disgusting yet interesting fashion, and pretty much all of the party-sized chocolates have been eaten. The shops and the internet both have suddenly started to lose their shit over Christmas, and the Goth look is once again the exception rather than the norm. Yep, Halloween is over, my minions, and once again the cold, brittle fluffy world has the status quo back for another year. Boo!
I had an epical Halloween personally, having spent it up in Shropshire/Cheshire/Wales (I’m not really sure where I was TBH, somewhere in that general location) in a grand weekender at my friend’s house, celebrating Halloween and her 50th birthday both in one big, rowdy, messy weekender.
My Halloween party. Let me show you it.
But now I’m back home, freezing my nipples off, and trying to keep myself from feeling bummed out. I’m sure I’m not the only one, and so with this in mind, I have found myself a little selection of good things to put a smile on my face before I inevitably cave and start buying up the Christmas Camembert, marzipan-based cakes and other terrible things
Make every day Halloween
Who says Halloween has to be just for October? Ok, everyone, but that doesn’t mean we have to listen. Personally I love all of the Halloween deco, and have no intention of taking it down any time soon. My pumpkins will remain out until nature finally demolishes them, my dried corn will still hang above the door, and my grim reaper picture will remain on the wall for some time to come. If shops can promote Christmas from as far back as August, ain’t no one gonna tell me I can’t carry on Halloween until Christmas too. Yep. Denial, not just a river in Egypt. Halloween Love and Emma Rae’s Halloween agree, so nur.
Light it up
Since the clocks went back, shit seems a lot darker in general (no, no I don’t need an observational skills award for this, but thanks for asking) and so I have become obsessed with lights, of the fun and funky kind. My sorry little love affair with the pound shop has paid off here, and I have bought up a hearty supply of solar and 12v LED string lights to hang around the inside and the outside of my boat, neatly achieving an effect somewhat similar to the inside of a long distance lorry drivers cab.
I have also bought myself a lava lamp for the first time since I was about 16, and man is that jar full of water and wax providing me with significant amounts of joy. Seriously, buy a lava lamp. You need this in your life.
I am a big fan of hibernation, and sleep is one of my favourite activities. But the start of winter bums me out enough as it is, so I am trying to keep myself from making things worse than they need to be by hauling my tenacious corpse out for a walk every day, interspersed with a couple of trips per week to the swimming pool. Going outside in the winter is also, to me, just the excuse needed to buy myself a new hat, and my lava lamp joy’s only competition at the moment is coming from my internet searching to find the perfect winter barnet cover.
I’m restricting myself to only things that are woolly, warm and good for covering my ears, but that’s still not stopping me from eyeing up this Death’s Touch miniature top hat here in the store. No, I don’t neeeeeeed it… But that’s never stopped me before!
What did you do at Halloween? Tell all!

Lady Gothique
The gal who runs

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