Timewasters: Online quizzes for Goths

No really, what is your spirit animal? Ok, so online quizzes range from the ridiculous to the even more ridiculous, and if you don’t believe me, just head on over to Buzzfeed. Now that we’re all clear that online quizzes should not form the basis of any of your important life choices, it is worth noting that the internet as a whole seems to be unhealthily obsessed with letting y’all know what kind of Goth you are, how Goth you are, and what your black soul says about you.

frameset_titleSome of the funniest online quizzes are the ones that end up being wayyyyyy off the mark, but if you literally can’t find a thing to do and you’ve looked at every cat picture the internet has to offer, you can easily garner a little light entertainment from filling out some online quizzes, in order to gain a better insight into literally nothing. Walk with me, my minions, into the great internet out yonder, to seek out some of the most entertaining online Goth quizzes.

notemoIs your soul hippy, punk or Goth?


Of all of the un-questions ever, this has to be near to the top of the list. Find out in just nine questions what you probably knew already, right here.

The epic 80’s Goth quiz

87dudXEThis quiz is actually not half bad, posing a range of brain teasers on the best of Goth culture in the 80’s, for those of us that can remember them. Clearly I am not among that number, having achieved just eight correct answers out of twenty five. Well played, Mr. Gothy, well played.

Are you a true Goth?

Twenty highly leading questions show you the path to your inner Goth, in possibly the most stereotypical and asinine way possible. But really, do you like vampires, or what?!

How Goth are you?

gothIf you passed the test above, this quiz will help you to weed out exactly how Goth you are, by means of eighteen multiple choice questions. Mall Goth or GTFO, bro.

No really, HOW Goth are you?

A totally different quiz on the exact same topic here, but this one is at least pretty, and slightly less stereotypical. Marginally.

The repressed Goth quiz

reprec-640x360This one is rather amusing: Might you be a secret Goth? Goth in the closet? Goth in denial? Reluctant to Goth? Find out here. Top marks for the “cutting edge logarhythms and an inductive trascience backflow matrix.”

Do you know your Goth culture?

Find out if you know your Goth from your armpit in this opinion-based quiz that is sure to cause a significant degree of debate.

Test your Goth knowledge

Designed to weed out the Goths from the poseurs.

Old school Goth trivia

This one is challenging! Do you know your Goth tunes and artists, or what? A must for Goth music fans.

Have fun!

Lady Gothique
The gal who runs

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